In the past, there were a lot of rainforests in the world. They made the world a really fabulous place to live in. But now, this is changing.
Everyday, thousands of square kilometres of forest are destroyed by people whose only aim is making money. And they don't mind putting an end to, perhaps, the most important thing that gives life to Earth: they burn trees, kill animals and nobody cares. The only thing we worry about is our belonings, but we don't think where they come from. For example: wood. The leaves of rainforests trees make about 40% of the Earth's oxygen, and they are the houses of quite a lot of animals too, but we cut the trees down to make paper and furniture...
What will happen when forests become extinct? Without forests, there isn't oxygen;without oxygen, we can't live. So, why don't we think about the consequences before acting? Soon, we might discover that it's too late, and we won't be able to do anything. But, until then, we can do a lot of things to save the Earth and our future: recycle and reuse, buy paper that it is not made from wood, buy organic food, stop generating more waste and do not kill animals for their fur.
María Taboada 4º B