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07.03.2011 10:40
Rainforests     In the past, there were a lot of rainforests in the world. They made the world a really fabulous place to live in. But now, this is changing. Everyday, thousands of square kilometres of forest are destroyed by people whose only aim is making money. And they don't mind...


My experience in Spain

07.03.2011 10:36
Hi, my name is Ellis Ware, and this is my view on the pros and cons of being an English person living in Spain.   Straight off the bat, cons (bad things) out-weighed pros (good things) by quite a margin. The first couple of months after moving to Spain were very stressful. Not speaking a...


Bob Marley

07.03.2011 10:27
    Bob Marley, the best reggae singer, was a committed defender of a better world. He did many acts of charity in order to obtain his objective. With his songs, he expanded the ideals of joining all people, independently of class or race. He thought that racism and hate could be cured...


Interview with Laura Knowles

07.03.2011 10:21
You are going to read the interview to Laura Knowles.Laura is the English assistant and she comes from USA. She has come to Spain in order to improve her Spanish and to get to know and enjoy our culture. We asked her some questions about her experience in Spain and about topics such as peace,the...


Origins of Halloween

07.03.2011 10:06
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }   THE ORIGINS OF HALLOWEEN   Halloween is celebrated on 31 October. It is an exciting event in the United States and in Great Britain. Halloween has ancient Celtic origins. On the Celtic calendar Samhain was the last day of summer and the last day of the...


Poverty in Africa

07.03.2011 09:59
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } POVERTY IN AFRICA. Over many years Africa has suffered from poverty. Poverty has been defined under two broad titles, and these are absolute poverty and relative poverty. It is broadly accepted that Africa suffers from absolute poverty, but it is my belief...


Billie Holiday

07.03.2011 09:51
  Eleanora Fagan Gough, known as Billie Holiday, was born in Philadelphia, April 7, 1915. She was an American Jazz singer. She is considered one of the most influential female voices in jazz. Holiday was an orphan and had a difficult childhood. She recorded her first album with only 18 years...


Devolvamos el "usted" a las aulas.

17.02.2011 23:40
A partir de la lectura en clase de una noticia sobre la intención del Gobierno francés de devolver el tratamiento de "usted" a los centros escolares, la alumna Rocío Jiménez García reflexiona sobre la posibilidad de imitar el ejemplo de nuestros vecinos del Norte.   DEVOLVAMOS EL “USTED” A LAS...



17.02.2011 18:11
Partiendo de la estructura de los ejemplos del Conde Lucanor de don Juan Manuel, dos alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato crean sus propios ejemplos solidarios.     Estando el conde Lucanor junto a Patronio, su criado, en el patio de la casa, hablaban de esta manera:   -Patronio, un...


Excursión al Torcal

17.02.2011 17:35
Senderismo en El Torcal   Érase una fría tarde de noviembre (muy fría, por cierto), cuando nos hallábamos en pleno Torcal de Antequera, monumento singular de la Naturaleza, a solo unos pasos de uno de los pueblos más hermosos de la provincia de Málaga. Pues, henos aquí que íbamos a...
